Downtown Iowa


In the heart of Iowa City, the vibrant downtown area offers a diverse array of shops, eateries, bars, entertainment hotspots, and beyond. Our partnership with the Iowa City Downtown District has created a series of innovative projects aimed at elevating the visitor experience, ensuring easier access to a wealth of local information.

Project Goals

  • Public FAQs – Throughout the festive seasons of 2022 and 2023, we introduced an engaging interactive tool to guide locals through the offerings of Downtown. From uncovering the best shopping spots to culinary delights and discovering hidden gems, our tool empowered people to effortlessly navigate the area, providing instant responses to their inquiries.

  • Art Installation Enriching the Winter Night Light series, we transformed the ‘Intrude’ installation’s inflatable rabbits into an immersive experience. These bunnies shared tales of their global tour success and advocating for the preservation of the local environment, creating a truly interactive and memorable encounter.

Project Outcomes

  • We empowered individuals to independently address their inquiries, saving valuable staff resources, allowing for a more streamlined and responsive experience

  • We amplified the visibility of local businesses, which extended visitor dwell times and spending
  • Our projects have demonstrated an increase in overall engagement, in comparison to traditional methods
  • The positive responses from users have served as a testament to the project’s success

Iowa City is one of the first cities in the U.S. to introduce the technology. We saw this program in other communities and thought it was a really unique way to engage with the public” – Betsy Potter, Iowa City Downtown District Director of Creative Services